Mary (The Candlemaker @ AJs) – Staff Update

Mary (The Candlemaker @ AJs) – Staff Update

Happy New Year everyone.  Another year has flown, and we are now back at work after a lovely break. 

Last year, the Candlemaker @ AJs had a busy year, stocking up and filling orders – we covered many church celebrations, remembrance candles to acknowledge the life of loved ones, naming or dedication candles for all the special births, personalised candles for birthdays and anniversaries and the many school leaver candles that the students will have already lit.

Kevin had a good year working in the candle room.  He poured many candles and loved to meet the customers and see the joy on their faces when they picked up their candle.  He enjoyed a few days, here and there, being in the workshop helping with urgent jobs that came in – he loves to get in to help when he can and as they say, a change is as good as a holiday! He loves the good weather which gives him the chance to bike to work and has noticed it is quicker than waiting for the bus at the beginning and end of each day.  

Sarah does the Client Pays during the week – we have a trip to the bank and NZ Post, and she sorts the pays out herself once we get back.  We often take a group to bowls on the way to the bank, dependent on weather and if Julia-Grace is taking able-walkers or not – this means Sarah starts the pays a little later, but it doesn’t bother her.  She hops in the front seat of the van, makes sure the radio is off, then we all chat.

Biddy loves to start her day with a good catchup about what she has been up to over the week.  She sorts out whether she is in this week’s Polybat or T-Ball team and informs me when she comes in.  Her tasks include cleaning moulds, re-wicking, cleaning sticks and cutting wicks and bubble wrap to size.  She also enjoys pouring floating candles when we need to stock up.  Biddy has a Taekwondo session with Julia-Grace on a Thursday morning – she really enjoys her self-defence drills and has steadily improved.  When doing her punches her kihup’s are loud and impressive! Biddy enjoys her day at AJs and between work, Learn Active, dance and performances, she likes to find some relaxation time for herself to watch YouTube, Netflix and TVNZ On Demand.

Alecia is always keen to see what job I have ready for her when she arrives.  We have a chat about her week then she puts on her apron and starts work.  Her favourite task is cleaning the sticks, which are used to keep the wicks straight in the poured candles – she often checks out the ‘clean’ container of sticks to find some that are not so clean, so she can do them before moving onto another task.  One of Alecia’s highlights on a Wednesday, is going with Jacob to help with the McDonald’s order – she brings the big box filled with bags of McDonalds in for us to distribute at lunchtime.  Once a month, I go with Alecia and John G to the Vinyl Café for morning tea, where they enjoy a good chat and a few laughs.  She also enjoys her fortnight activity with Lyric and Julia-Grace – the many activities have included café visits, making bracelets, bowling, Timezone, tie-dyeing, watching a movie, they organised a lunch outing and are also working on a movie project.

Acacia comes in on a Tuesday morning now, as her Thursday is filled with work experience at the Thai Terrace Restaurant – she also works at the Super Fresh Fruit & Vege Shop in Rolleston on a Monday.  She uses her communication tablet to tell me of any news or activities, she has been up to.  I love to see her beautiful smile and a thumbs up when I ask how things are going.  Acacia cleans sticks and moulds and re-wicks them, along with cutting wicks and bubble wrap to size.  One of her favourite outings is to go to the movies, I look forward to hearing which one she saw when she gets back.

Our middle table, that is used for workshop jobs, is often filled – we have Sharon, Michelle and Laureen who love to sit and work alongside us.  We also have Matt K who has now joined us – he comes and goes and sorts his own work out with Jim or other staff from the workshop.  He enjoys the quieter pace in the candle room and likes to listen to the radio as he works.

Not long ago, it was brought to my attention that the candle room stank!  Not a great realisation when I had just had a customer and some visitors in earlier! I was getting over a cold and couldn’t smell it, but apparently it was awful.  At lunchtime I said I need to ‘find’ the smell which was overheard by Clement, Harley A and Harrison and they were happy to come in and help.  With a great sense of smell, they surveyed my room with their noses! Harley A decided it came from a certain corner, and they proceeded to pull everything out…and yes, there it was…a dead mouse!  Harrison scooped it up in a shovel and threw it in the bin.  Thanks boys, I really appreciated your help.

From the Candleroom, I hear many activities going on in the storeroom.  We have a group of clients – Harrison, Harley A, Anthony, Harley B, Clement, Sam T, Nick F and Jeff who love to play a board game weekly on a Thursday afternoon or sometimes during lunch.  It is often Monopoly, and they play by their own rules, which seem to work…I never hear any arguments, just laughter as they tease each other about some part of the game one is winning over the other!

I enjoy watching the many clients that spend time doing a FOCUS session, and I have to say they have all steadily improved – it’s amazing what a good walk, a session of Taekwondo or blazepods does for their fitness, attitude and keenness to work.  I have noticed that some clients join in with another client’s FOCUS session, which can become quite competitive!  I have seen them compete in ping pong ball games, basketball, soccer, blazepods, rowing and some even enjoy a dance or two together.  They usually end with a smile on their face and there’s nothing better than to observe good sportsmanship!

Thank you for all the lovely gifts of chocolates, lollies and biscuits you have given us for Christmas – these will get shared out to everyone occasionally over the next few months as a treat in the afternoon. Sharon and Michelle are more than happy to hand them out and walk around with huge smiles on their faces as they pass them around to the many ‘thank you’s’ from everyone.

Once again, we must thank all the wonderful businesses that kept us in work throughout last year and we look forward to continuing working with you.  We are fortunate to have so many varied jobs to do – these give the clients a choice to do a job they enjoy, to their own ability.

I hope 2025 brings you all happy times and may it be your best one yet, filled with love and laughter. 


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